Customise HPSTR Jekyll Theme

August 07, 2014

10+ min. read


Based on unchanged from GitHub at 2014-08-07 16:44:14 whose features include animated navigation, images, table rules and buttons. Jekyll use Liquid markup language so you will see many {% something %}. Besides, I just discovered MathJax is easy to set up and renders LaTeX nicely.




├── _config.yml
├── _includes
│   ├── head.html
│   ├── navigation.html
│   └── ...
├── _layouts
│   ├── page.html
│   ├── post.html
│   └── ...
├── index.html
├── archives.html
├── categories.html
├── assets
│   ├── less
│   │   ├── variables.less
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...
└── ...


  1. Blog info: Change title, description, owner’s name.

  2. Disqus (comment system): Input your disqus_shortname which can be found on Input correctly will get you out of some ‘troubles’ related to Disqus.

  3. Chinese SNS links (in navigation): Input your SNS ID at twitter, github, etc. I added Chinese SNS: zhihu, v2ex, weibo, renren, douban. → Don’t worry about using URL or ID, because you will set up icons and icon links later.

  4. Google Analytics (count blog view; track readers’ locations): Input your Google Analytics ID at google_analytics which can be found at > Admin tab > PROPERTY column > Tracking Info > Tracking Code > find the alphameric starts that UA-. By the way, Quicklytics and Analytiks let you view statistics at iOS. I use Analytiks but don’t recommend it, because it is way too basic compared to Quicklytics.

  5. Navigation cleanup: You can use and customise links or delete links part.

  6. Misc.: Change timezone to yours which can be found on

  7. Post links: I don’t like the /:categories/:title/ format of permalinks. Categories are susceptible to changes, and post titles are less susceptible to the problem. For now I change permalink to /:title/. However, one issue can be arisen, if the post title is too long and broken into ugly multiple lines on your blog, and you want to change the post title. As a result, the old link for the post will be broken. But for now, I have no solution to the problem.

  8. Number of posts per page: You may want to raise 5 paginate if you truncate your post list/index page, afterwards, index.html, (because you will edit the file instead of others,) that is, display post preview instead of full post content. My current paginate is set to 10.

  9. Remarks: Note that the markdown engine in use is kramdown, and kramdown use coderay to highlight code blocks, I guess. Given the current code highlighter is pygments, you can ignore coderay settings, I guess. Besides, I have a question. node_modules is in exclude list, why it’s still pushed to GitHub?


Home Title: I don’t like Latest Posts - lsfalimis, so I change line 2’s (L2) {% if page.title %} to {% if page.title and page.title != site.title %}. Why can’t I leave title in index.html blank? Give it a try. By the way, I know nothing about coding. If there are simpler codes, please leave the comments, thank you!

Use SNS icons: Choose icons at here. Wish I could make icons of V2EX, Zhihu and Douban…


  • Reading time in decimals: The default display of reading time is fraction. It’s quite unpleasing. Given the lesser reading times occur more frequently for my blog, I set up conditionals as follows. Messy code…
{% assign readtime = content | number_of_words | divided_by:site.words_per_minute%}
{% if readtime <= 1 %}1 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 2%}2 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 3%}3 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 4%}4 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 5%}5 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 6%}6 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 7%}7 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 8%}8 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 9%}9 min. read
{% elsif readtime <= 10%}10 min. read
{% else %}10+ min. read{% endif %}
  • Misleading Google Plus ‘+1’ sign: It seems that the post has already gotten a ‘+1’ on Google Plus. No… So I change +1 to Share.


Redo the steps in page.html here. Next I will talk about Read More. I have no idea how site.related_posts are chosen, so I replace this part with ‘next post’ and ‘previous post’. From {% if site.related_posts.size %} to </div><!-- /.read-more --> are replaced by the code as follows:

<div class="read-more">
    <div class="read-more-content">
      {% if %}
      <h3><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ }}" title="{{ }}">&#8592; {{ }}</a></h3>
      <span>Published {{ | date: }}</span>
      {% endif %}
      {% if and page.previous.url%}<hr>{% endif %}
      {% if page.previous.url %}
      <h3><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ page.previous.url }}" title="{{ page.previous.title }}">{{ page.previous.title }} &#8594;</a></h3>
      <span>Published {{ | date: }}</span>
      {% endif %}
    </div><!-- /.read-more-content -->
</div><!-- /.read-more -->


Firstly, redo ‘reading time’ step.

  • Head image: Change image’s feature. The one I use comes from Unsplash at which you can find Public Domain images that possess No Copyright.

  • Post tags: After post date and before comment hyperlink, I’d like to display tags and the code is:

{% for tag in post.tags %}&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp; <a href="{{ site.url }}/tags/#{{ tag }}" title="Pages tagged {{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
  • Post preview: Replace {{ post.content }} to the the following code, and when you are writing, if need, add <!--more--> in your post markdown file. The part before the tag will be displayed in post preview.
{% if post.content contains '<!--more-->' %}
  {{ post.content | split:'<!--more-->' | first %}}
  <p><a class="btn btn-info" href="{{ post.url }}">Read more</a></p>
{% else %}
  {{ post.content }}
{% endif %}


I rename posts.html to archives.html.

Sort by months: To do it, another loop to repeat month is needed. Firstly, I capture or declare this_month and next_month; in liquid loop, this_something is like x and another variable is declare to compare with x in conditional in order to realise a loop. forloop.first denote the first loop, and I put a h3 title of this_month here. forloop.last denote the loops except the first loop, and I add a conditional here to produce all other h3 month title that doesn’t include the month in the first loop. The code is as follows:

{% for post in site.posts %}
    {% capture this_year %}{{ | date: }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture next_year %}{{ | date: }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture this_month %}{{ | date: }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture next_month %}{{ | date: }}{% endcapture %}

    {% if forloop.first %}
      <h2 id="{{ this_year }}-ref">{{ this_year }}</h2>
      <h3 id="{{ this_month }}-ref">{{ this_month }}</h3>
    {% endif %}

      <li class="entry-title"><a href="{{ site.url }}{{ post.url }}" title="{{ post.title }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
    {% if forloop.last %}
    {% else %}
        {% if this_month != next_month %}
        <h3 id="{{ next_month }}-ref">{{ next_month }}</h3>
        {% endif %}
        {% if this_year != next_year %}
          <h2 id="{{ next_year }}-ref">{{next_year}}</h2>
          <h2 id="{{ next_month }}-ref">{{next_month}}</h2>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}


cat tags.html > categories.html

With Sublime Text replacing’s case sensitive on, replace tags with categories, replace Tags with Categories, then replace tag with category, and then replace class="category" with class="tag".

Category case: By default, categories are changed by Jekyll to lowercase for better processing. We can capitalise categories, but some special terms are exceptions, such as, ‘iOS’ and ‘LaTeX’. Therefore, I replace <h2 id="{{ this_word }}">{{ this_word }}</h2> with a conditional:

{% if this_word == 'ios' %}<h2 id="{{ this_word }}">iOS</h2>
{% else %}<h2 id="{{ this_word }}">{{ this_word | capitalize }}</h2>{% endif %}


It’s the first time I saw the code of node.js and less, wow! You can have Grunt generate css from less for you. Download node.pkg from here. Install the pkg and run sudo npm install -g grunt-cli. I prefer Menlo among monospace fonts, so I edit the variables.less, and then given package.json is already written by the theme author, run grunt at the directory. New CSS files are generated.


  • Disable lead paragraph effect: Use Inspect Element and find that the keyword first-child, then search it using Finder, and edit main.css that is not under _site: change font-size to 1rem.

  • Code highlighting: I don’t get how kramdown code highlighting works, and by wrapping the code block with ~~~, I can’t produce coloured highlighting. So I use pygments by the syntax where you can replace bash with languages in the list. I don’t know why LaTeX is actually supported but not in the list.

{% highlight bash %}
{% endhighlight %}
  • LaTeX rendering: For now, I use the simplest method. Include the code in post markdown file. Example see the post.
<script type="text/javascript"
  • Display images in columns and rows: You can set the class to half if there are two images in a row, or third if three; it has feature like hyperlinks and caption.
<figure class="half">
  <a href="bigger_jpg1"><img src="jpg1" alt=""></a>
  <img src="jpg2" alt=""></a>
  <img src="jpg3" alt=""></a>
  <img src="jpg4" alt=""></a>
  <figcaption>This is a caption.</figcaption>
  • Displays rules in tables: Append {: rules="groups"} as a new line to a table.

  • Display buttons, mostly, download buttons, like    KM Macros    using the following code where by default btn btn-info class is blue and btn class is black. You can change the colours in variables.less.

<a href="" class="btn btn-info">KM Macros</a>
  • Generate Table of Contents (ToC): It’s a review about kramdown’s feature. Simple include this to let kramdown generate ToC for you:
## Contents


Appendix: Highlight Liquid codes

We need to look at {% something %} (in my markdown, {{"{% something "}}%}) and {{ something }} (in my markdown, {{"{{ something "}}}}). Note that if we want to display {% something %} and {{ something }}, we we don’t need to escape %} and }}. What we need to escape are {% and {{, because if we put %} or }} in inline code or in a code block in markdown file, Jekyll will not report error. However, if we replace any of them with {% or {{ in markdown file, Jekyll will report error. Therefore we have to wrap {% or {{ with {{" and }}. Let x denote special symbols to escape in Liquid, then in order to highlight them in html, we have to write {{"x"}} in markdown file.

What if I copied and pasted Liquid code from Jekyll configuration files to markdown file? If you haven’t wrapped code blocks, use kramdown’s ~~~ language syntax first, and at the end replace ~~~ with {% highlight language %} and {% endhighlight %}. If you have already wrapped code blocks with {% highlight language %} and {% endhighlight %}, the case I have today, do these:

  1. Replace {{ with {{"{{.
  2. Replace }} with "}}}}.
  3. Replace {% with {{"{%.
  4. Replace %} with "}}%}.
  5. Replace {{"{% endhighlight "}}%} with {% endhighlight %}.
  6. Replace {{"{% highlight language "}}%} with {% highlight language %}. If there are many languages highlighted in your markdown file, do this step for each of them.

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