Dissertation LaTeX Structure

August 15, 2014

3 min. read

This is my LaTeX working directory. Because Draft is so messy, it always take a long time for me to find tex file and pdf file so I spilt a tex file into many. Because I’m a bad student as welll as a bad writer, I choose not to divide the chapters at the beginning. I will divide them when I’m writing the dissertation.

├── Chapters
│   ├── concl.tex
│   ├── draft.tex
│   └── intro.tex
├── Draft
│   ├── after.tex
│   ├── before.tex
│   ├── thesis.acn
│   ├── thesis.acr
│   ├── thesis.alg
│   ├── thesis.aux
│   ├── thesis.bbl
│   ├── thesis.bcf
│   ├── thesis.blg
│   ├── thesis.fdb_latexmk
│   ├── thesis.glg
│   ├── thesis.glo
│   ├── thesis.gls
│   ├── thesis.ist
│   ├── thesis.lof
│   ├── thesis.log
│   ├── thesis.lot
│   ├── thesis.out
│   ├── thesis.pdf
│   ├── thesis.run.xml
│   ├── thesis.tex
│   └── thesis.toc
├── Inputs
│   ├── acronyms.tex
│   ├── backmatter.tex
│   ├── expanders.tex
│   ├── frontmatter.tex
│   ├── info.tex
│   ├── mainmatter.tex
│   ├── settings.tex
│   └── titlepage.tex
└── bib.bib



I write here.

























\newcommand{\submissiontext}{\textbf{Declaration:} This dissertation is submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for \degree. something}


\newcommand{\degreedate}{something} % It's a shame I don't know how to get the word of the month.






\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}

\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, title=Abbreviations]

Note that in report document class, \pagestyle{empty} will result in only the first page of every chapter to display page number. To solve the problem, use titlepage environment in the title page, that is, use \begin{titlepage} and \end{titlepage}.








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Published 15 Aug 2014

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Published 14 Aug 2014